Our Production

Crafting Excellence One Cashew at a Time

Generally the processing of raw cashew nuts into edible cashew kernel takes the following steps traditional method: roasting, shelling drying, peeling, grading, quality controls, fumigation and packaging. All these steps have to be conducted with care to obtain good quality and good grade kernels.

In order to ensure the quality requirements an avoid contamination of the cashew nuts, preparation takes place under clean, hygienic, and ideal conditions. The following aspects are cleaned regularly: equipment (tubes, knives, etc.), working and drying surfaces (racks, mats, etc.), personnel clothes, and preparing storage rooms.

Cashew moisture should be maintained at 5% or less, exposure to strong odors avoided, and storage conditions should protect them from insects and pests.

It is prohibited to carry out chemical storage measures (e.g. gassing with methyl bromide) in mixed storage spaces. Wherever possible, storing both organic and conventional products together in the same warehouse should be avoided.

Our Equipments